这款受欢迎的On风扇经过重新设计,采用44%的回收材料,改进了合身度,舒适度比以往更高。 更新的轮廓,采用新材料和技术特性 透气抗菌网布,带有胶带加固 CloudTec® 在零重力泡沫中提供舒适的着陆 更新的 Speedboard® 将能量转化为前进的动力 模压鞋跟设计牢牢固定您的脚 更多舒适。更多回收材料。
$ 139.95
$ 139.95
如同在云端奔跑般无重,On的Cloud跑鞋轻盈而稳固,助你实现最佳跑步体验。这款超多功能的跑鞋既适合5公里赛跑,也适合展现酷炫休闲街头风格。透气的3D网眼鞋面让你保持凉爽,而快速系带系统则为你提供随时随地的便利。加厚的V型模压鞋领贴合舒适,确保你在跑步时稳固无忧。CloudTec®技术在不增加重量的情况下提升反应灵敏度,而Speedboard®技术则助你不断向前推进,带来一次又一次的跑步体验。 透气的抗菌网眼鞋面,即使在高温下也能保持通风 签名速度系带系统,便于穿脱,让您可以轻松穿上并出门 零重力泡沫缓冲 CloudTec® 在外底提供轻盈的感觉和良好的缓冲着陆。 Speedboard® 技术促进了脚的自然滚动运动,并有助于从着陆到起飞的高效能量转移。
$ 139.95
More comfort. Our all-day icon, upgraded. Designed to keep you moving from morning to night Zero-Gravity CloudTec® for a cushioned feel Same stylish Cloud 6 look, more performance Speedboard® engineered for all-day performance and support New sockliner for easy step-in Wider opening for a broader, more inclusive fit Upgraded in...
$ 149.95
More comfort. Our all-day icon, upgraded. Designed to keep you moving from morning to night Zero-Gravity CloudTec® for a cushioned feel Same stylish Cloud 6 look, more performance Speedboard® engineered for all-day performance and support New sockliner for easy step-in Wider opening for a broader, more inclusive fit Upgraded in...
$ 149.95
More comfort. Our all-day icon, upgraded. Designed to keep you moving from morning to night Zero-Gravity CloudTec® for a cushioned feel Same stylish Cloud 6 look, more performance Speedboard® engineered for all-day performance and support New sockliner for easy step-in Wider opening for a broader, more inclusive fit Upgraded in...
$ 149.95
More comfort. Our all-day icon, upgraded. Designed to keep you moving from morning to night Zero-Gravity CloudTec® for a cushioned feel Same stylish Cloud 6 look, more performance Speedboard® engineered for all-day performance and support New sockliner for easy step-in Wider opening for a broader, more inclusive fit Upgraded in...
$ 149.95
传奇,升级了。提供更多支持、更多舒适和更多缓冲,让每一次跑步都更加有趣。 主要特征: 支持性强、让人感觉良好的跑鞋 100% 回收的瑞士工程网面鞋面 新Helion超泡沫中底,提供强大的能量回馈 升级的外底,不会在跑步时夹住石头 CloudTec 缓震技术以吸收冲击 柔软的舌头带来极致舒适,便于穿脱 耐用的后跟夹和上部加固以提供额外支持 舌环以保持鞋带固定
$ 149.95
On Running Cloudrunner 2 女款性能跑鞋提供独特的舒适感,让您在跑步时更加自信地迈出更远的步伐。凭借缓震和支撑,这款跑鞋提升了您的表现,并提供了功能与风格的完美平衡。 支持性强、让人感觉良好的跑鞋 100% 回收的瑞士工程网面鞋面 新Helion™超泡沫中底,提供强大的能量回馈 升级的外底,不会在跑步时夹住石头 CloudTec® 缓震技术以吸收冲击 柔软的舌头带来极致舒适,便于穿脱 耐用的后跟夹和上部加固以提供额外支持 舌环以保持鞋带固定
$ 149.95
The legend, leveled up. With more support, more comfort and more cushioning – for more fun on every run. Cushioning: plush Support: stability The supportive, feel-good running shoe 100% recycled Swiss-engineered mesh upper New Helion™ superfoam midsole for big energy return Upgraded outsole that won't trap stones as you run...
$ 149.95
The legend, leveled up. With more support, more comfort and more cushioning – for more fun on every run. Cushioning: plush Support: stability The supportive, feel-good running shoe 100% recycled Swiss-engineered mesh upper New Helion™ superfoam midsole for big energy return Upgraded outsole that won't trap stones as you run...
$ 149.95
传奇,升级了。提供更多支持、更多舒适和更多缓冲——让每一次跑步都更加有趣 支持性强、让人感觉良好的跑鞋 100% 回收的瑞士工程网面鞋面 新Helion™超泡沫中底,提供强大的能量回馈 升级的外底,不会在跑步时夹住石头 CloudTec® 缓震技术以吸收冲击 柔软的舌头带来极致舒适,便于穿脱 耐用的后跟夹和上部加固以提供额外支持 舌环以保持鞋带固定
$ 169.95
传奇,升级了。提供更多支持、更多舒适和更多缓冲——让每一次跑步都更加有趣 支持性强、让人感觉良好的跑鞋 100% 回收的瑞士工程网面鞋面 新Helion™超泡沫中底,提供强大的能量回馈 升级的外底,不会在跑步时夹住石头 CloudTec® 缓震技术以吸收冲击 柔软的舌头带来极致舒适,便于穿脱 耐用的后跟夹和上部加固以提供额外支持 舌环以保持鞋带固定
$ 149.95
现在比以往更快、更有趣——重新设计的Cloudvista 2防水鞋是您解锁户外冒险的多功能越野鞋。 改进版多功能越野跑鞋 具有更柔软的缓冲和稍高的堆叠高度 粘性Missiongrip™外底,适用于混合地形的牵引力 新重新设计的双叉 Speedboard® 以增加反弹力 更柔软的 Helion™ 超泡沫中底 为了更多的乐趣和更快的骑行 具有防水膜以保持双脚干燥 调整后的真实尺码合身
$ 169.95