New Arrivals
The ninth iteration of our award-winning Clifton franchise has launched, lighter and more cushioned than ever before. Eliminating weight while adding 3mm in stack height, the new Clifton 9 delivers a revitalized underfoot experience with a responsive new foam and improved outsole design. Removing overlays and hotmelts, the stripped back...
$ 144.95 $ 115.99
The ninth iteration of our award-winning Clifton franchise has launched, lighter and more cushioned than ever before. Eliminating weight while adding 3mm in stack height, the new Clifton 9 delivers a revitalized underfoot experience with a responsive new foam and improved outsole design. Removing overlays and hotmelts, the stripped back...
$ 144.95 $ 115.99
The ninth iteration of our award-winning Clifton franchise has launched, lighter and more cushioned than ever before. Eliminating weight while adding 3mm in stack height, the new Clifton 9 delivers a revitalized underfoot experience with a responsive new foam and improved outsole design. Removing overlays and hotmelts, the stripped back...
$ 144.95 $ 108.99
The ninth iteration of our award-winning Clifton franchise has launched, lighter and more cushioned than ever before. Eliminating weight while adding 3mm in stack height, the new Clifton 9 delivers a revitalized underfoot experience with a responsive new foam and improved outsole design. Removing overlays and hotmelts, the stripped back...
$ 144.95 $ 108.99
The ninth iteration of our award-winning Clifton franchise has launched, lighter and more cushioned than ever before. Eliminating weight while adding 3mm in stack height, the new Clifton 9 delivers a revitalized underfoot experience with a responsive new foam and improved outsole design. Removing overlays and hotmelts, the stripped back...
$ 144.95 $ 115.99
我们获奖的Clifton系列第九代产品已推出,比以往任何时候都更轻、更舒适。在减轻重量的同时,堆叠高度增加了3毫米,全新的Clifton 9提供了焕然一新的脚下体验,配备了响应性的新泡沫和改进的外底设计。去除了覆盖层和热熔胶,简化的鞋面经过精心设计,具有更柔软的鞋跟、反光鞋跟面板和带有单侧内侧褶皱的流线型鞋舌。 透气工程编织鞋面 带衬料的鞋舌 鞋带由70%再生尼龙和30%再生聚酯制成(不包括鞋尖) 压缩成型EVA泡沫中底 早期阶段 MetaRocker™ 固有稳定的几何形状 耐磨橡胶外底 素食
$ 144.95 $ 115.99
One of the hardest working shoes in the HOKA lineup, the Bondi 9 delivers peak plushness for everyday miles. Overhauled from top to bottom, we’ve increased the stack height and added a new premium foam midsole to deliver that soft, resilient ride that’s become synonymous with the Bondi. Elevated with...
$ 169.95
One of the hardest working shoes in the HOKA lineup, the Bondi 9 delivers peak plushness for everyday miles. Overhauled from top to bottom, we’ve increased the stack height and added a new premium foam midsole to deliver that soft, resilient ride that’s become synonymous with the Bondi. Elevated with...
$ 169.95
Mirroring the smooth rolling pattern of SoCal’s Solimar beach, this streamlined trainer offers a sublime ride for everyday miles. Engineered with an approachable stack height, balanced midsole and extended crash pad, this adaptable silhouette is equipped with extra rubber to combat high-sweat areas. An effortless daily runner, the Solimar is...
$ 124.95
Mirroring the smooth rolling pattern of SoCal’s Solimar beach, this streamlined trainer offers a sublime ride for everyday miles. Engineered with an approachable stack height, balanced midsole and extended crash pad, this adaptable silhouette is equipped with extra rubber to combat high-sweat areas. An effortless daily runner, the Solimar is...
$ 124.95
The ninth iteration of our award-winning Clifton franchise has launched, lighter and more cushioned than ever before. Eliminating weight while adding 3mm in stack height, the new Clifton 9 delivers a revitalized underfoot experience with a responsive new foam and improved outsole design. Removing overlays and hotmelts, the stripped back...
$ 144.95 $ 115.99
The ninth iteration of our award-winning Clifton franchise has launched, lighter and more cushioned than ever before. Eliminating weight while adding 3mm in stack height, the new Clifton 9 delivers a revitalized underfoot experience with a responsive new foam and improved outsole design. Removing overlays and hotmelts, the stripped back...
$ 144.95 $ 108.99
The ninth iteration of our award-winning Clifton franchise has launched, lighter and more cushioned than ever before. Eliminating weight while adding 3mm in stack height, the new Clifton 9 delivers a revitalized underfoot experience with a responsive new foam and improved outsole design. Removing overlays and hotmelts, the stripped back...
$ 144.95 $ 115.99
The ninth iteration of our award-winning Clifton franchise has launched, lighter and more cushioned than ever before. Eliminating weight while adding 3mm in stack height, the new Clifton 9 delivers a revitalized underfoot experience with a responsive new foam and improved outsole design. Removing overlays and hotmelts, the stripped back...
$ 144.95 $ 115.99
The ninth iteration of our award-winning Clifton franchise has launched, lighter and more cushioned than ever before. Eliminating weight while adding 3mm in stack height, the new Clifton 9 delivers a revitalized underfoot experience with a responsive new foam and improved outsole design. Removing overlays and hotmelts, the stripped back...
$ 144.95 $ 115.99
忘记你对稳定鞋的认知吧。Gaviota 5的新稳定H-Frame™让我们能够使用比以往更柔软的泡沫。提供固有的稳定性而不妥协缓冲,我们将直观的H-Frame底座与透气的编织提花鞋面、超柔软的鞋领和Bondi级别的缓冲相结合,带来标志性的HOKA骑行体验。 毛绒舌头和领子 克里尔提花网面 柔软的 EVA 泡沫 稳定H-Frame™技术 早期阶段 MetaRocker™
$ 174.95
忘记你对稳定鞋的认知吧。Gaviota 5的新稳定H-Frame™让我们能够使用比以往更柔软的泡沫。提供固有的稳定性而不妥协缓冲,我们将直观的H-Frame底座与透气的编织提花鞋面、超柔软的鞋领和Bondi级别的缓冲相结合,带来标志性的HOKA骑行体验。 毛绒舌头和领子 克里尔提花网面 柔软的 EVA 泡沫 稳定H-Frame™技术 早期阶段 MetaRocker™
$ 174.95
在生活方式与性能的交汇处构思而成,这款适合通勤的风格在外底、中底和鞋面上提供了多种可持续性特征。考虑到城市居民的需求,Transport采用了30%甘蔗EVA中底,Vibram® EcoStep Natural外底使用90%无油成分,以及Cordura® RE/CORETM,含100% rPET,此外还配备了快速调节鞋带和360度反光设计 快速系带 360度反射率 Cordura® 耐磨纺织鞋面 传统鞋带包括(60% 回收聚酯,不包括鞋尖) 局部应用的无PFC防水处理 压缩成型的EVA中底,含有30%的甘蔗 Vibram® EcoStep天然外底由90%无油成分制成 87% 回收聚酯斯特布板 100% 回收聚酯鞋面和舌头 Cordura® 网布 100% 回收聚酯后侧网布,舌头和领口衬里 模压PU鞋垫,含50%大豆油 100% 回收聚酯 ghilley 网带纺织品
$ 149.95
在生活方式与性能的交汇处构思而成,这款适合通勤的风格在外底、中底和鞋面上提供了多种可持续性特征。考虑到城市居民的需求,Transport采用了30%甘蔗EVA中底,Vibram® EcoStep Natural外底使用90%无油成分,以及Cordura® RE/CORETM,含100% rPET,此外还配备了快速调节鞋带和360度反光设计 快速系带 360度反射率 Cordura® 耐磨纺织鞋面 传统鞋带包括(60% 回收聚酯,不包括鞋尖) 局部应用的无PFC防水处理 压缩成型的EVA中底,含有30%的甘蔗 Vibram® EcoStep天然外底由90%无油成分制成 87% 回收聚酯斯特布板 100% 回收聚酯鞋面和舌头 Cordura® 网布 100% 回收聚酯后侧网布,舌头和领口衬里 模压PU鞋垫,含50%大豆油 100% 回收聚酯 ghilley 网带纺织品
$ 149.95
HOKA系列中最勤奋的鞋子之一,Bondi 9为日常跑步提供了极致的舒适感。经过全面改造,我们增加了鞋底高度,并添加了新的优质泡沫中底,以提供那种柔软、富有弹性的骑行体验,这已成为Bondi的代名词。配备3D模压鞋领和具有区域透气性的结构化针织鞋面,这款超缓震的热门鞋款采用Durabrasion橡胶,旨在应对高磨损区域。 3D 模制衣领 超临界发泡EVA 工程网布,含55%再生聚酯纤维 反光上部细节 延长脚跟拉动 平滑 MetaRocker™ 后足专注的主动足架™ 模压EVA鞋垫 耐磨橡胶外底
$ 169.95