New Arrivals
The ninth iteration of our award-winning Clifton franchise has launched, lighter and more cushioned than ever before. Eliminating weight while adding 3mm in stack height, the new Clifton 9 delivers a revitalized underfoot experience with a responsive new foam and improved outsole design. Removing overlays and hotmelts, the stripped back...
$ 144.95 $ 115.99
The ninth iteration of our award-winning Clifton franchise has launched, lighter and more cushioned than ever before. Eliminating weight while adding 3mm in stack height, the new Clifton 9 delivers a revitalized underfoot experience with a responsive new foam and improved outsole design. Removing overlays and hotmelts, the stripped back...
$ 144.95 $ 115.99
The ninth iteration of our award-winning Clifton franchise has launched, lighter and more cushioned than ever before. Eliminating weight while adding 3mm in stack height, the new Clifton 9 delivers a revitalized underfoot experience with a responsive new foam and improved outsole design. Removing overlays and hotmelts, the stripped back...
$ 144.95 $ 108.99
The ninth iteration of our award-winning Clifton franchise has launched, lighter and more cushioned than ever before. Eliminating weight while adding 3mm in stack height, the new Clifton 9 delivers a revitalized underfoot experience with a responsive new foam and improved outsole design. Removing overlays and hotmelts, the stripped back...
$ 144.95 $ 108.99
The ninth iteration of our award-winning Clifton franchise has launched, lighter and more cushioned than ever before. Eliminating weight while adding 3mm in stack height, the new Clifton 9 delivers a revitalized underfoot experience with a responsive new foam and improved outsole design. Removing overlays and hotmelts, the stripped back...
$ 144.95 $ 115.99
Die neunte Iteration unserer preisgekrönten Clifton-Franchise ist gestartet, leichter und gepolsterter als je zuvor. Das Gewicht wurde reduziert, während die Stack-Höhe um 3 mm erhöht wurde, und der neue Clifton 9 bietet ein revitalisiertes Laufgefühl mit einem reaktionsfreudigen neuen Schaum und einem verbesserten Außensohlen-Design. Durch das Entfernen von Überzügen und...
$ 144.95 $ 115.99
One of the hardest working shoes in the HOKA lineup, the Bondi 9 delivers peak plushness for everyday miles. Overhauled from top to bottom, we’ve increased the stack height and added a new premium foam midsole to deliver that soft, resilient ride that’s become synonymous with the Bondi. Elevated with...
$ 169.95
One of the hardest working shoes in the HOKA lineup, the Bondi 9 delivers peak plushness for everyday miles. Overhauled from top to bottom, we’ve increased the stack height and added a new premium foam midsole to deliver that soft, resilient ride that’s become synonymous with the Bondi. Elevated with...
$ 169.95
Mirroring the smooth rolling pattern of SoCal’s Solimar beach, this streamlined trainer offers a sublime ride for everyday miles. Engineered with an approachable stack height, balanced midsole and extended crash pad, this adaptable silhouette is equipped with extra rubber to combat high-sweat areas. An effortless daily runner, the Solimar is...
$ 124.95
Mirroring the smooth rolling pattern of SoCal’s Solimar beach, this streamlined trainer offers a sublime ride for everyday miles. Engineered with an approachable stack height, balanced midsole and extended crash pad, this adaptable silhouette is equipped with extra rubber to combat high-sweat areas. An effortless daily runner, the Solimar is...
$ 124.95
The ninth iteration of our award-winning Clifton franchise has launched, lighter and more cushioned than ever before. Eliminating weight while adding 3mm in stack height, the new Clifton 9 delivers a revitalized underfoot experience with a responsive new foam and improved outsole design. Removing overlays and hotmelts, the stripped back...
$ 144.95 $ 115.99
The ninth iteration of our award-winning Clifton franchise has launched, lighter and more cushioned than ever before. Eliminating weight while adding 3mm in stack height, the new Clifton 9 delivers a revitalized underfoot experience with a responsive new foam and improved outsole design. Removing overlays and hotmelts, the stripped back...
$ 144.95 $ 108.99
The ninth iteration of our award-winning Clifton franchise has launched, lighter and more cushioned than ever before. Eliminating weight while adding 3mm in stack height, the new Clifton 9 delivers a revitalized underfoot experience with a responsive new foam and improved outsole design. Removing overlays and hotmelts, the stripped back...
$ 144.95 $ 115.99
The ninth iteration of our award-winning Clifton franchise has launched, lighter and more cushioned than ever before. Eliminating weight while adding 3mm in stack height, the new Clifton 9 delivers a revitalized underfoot experience with a responsive new foam and improved outsole design. Removing overlays and hotmelts, the stripped back...
$ 144.95 $ 115.99
The ninth iteration of our award-winning Clifton franchise has launched, lighter and more cushioned than ever before. Eliminating weight while adding 3mm in stack height, the new Clifton 9 delivers a revitalized underfoot experience with a responsive new foam and improved outsole design. Removing overlays and hotmelts, the stripped back...
$ 144.95 $ 115.99
Vergessen Sie, was Sie über Stabilitätsschuhe zu wissen glaubten. Der neue stabilisierende H-Frame™ der Gaviota 5 hat es uns ermöglicht, weichere Schäume als je zuvor zu verwenden. Wir bieten inhärente Stabilität, ohne den Komfort zu beeinträchtigen, und haben unsere intuitive H-Frame-Basis mit einem atmungsaktiven Creel-Jacquard-Obermaterial, einem ultra-weichen Kragen und Bondi-Niveau-Dämpfung...
$ 174.95
Vergessen Sie, was Sie über Stabilitätsschuhe zu wissen glaubten. Der neue stabilisierende H-Frame™ der Gaviota 5 hat es uns ermöglicht, weichere Schäume als je zuvor zu verwenden. Wir bieten inhärente Stabilität, ohne den Komfort zu beeinträchtigen, und haben unsere intuitive H-Frame-Basis mit einem atmungsaktiven Creel-Jacquard-Obermaterial, einem ultra-weichen Kragen und Bondi-Niveau-Dämpfung...
$ 174.95
Entwickelt an der Schnittstelle von Lifestyle und Leistung, bietet dieser pendlerfreundliche Stil eine Vielzahl von Nachhaltigkeitsmerkmalen in der Außensohle, Zwischensohle und dem Obermaterial. Mit dem Stadtbewohner im Hinterkopf, verwendet der Transport eine 30% Zuckerrohr-EVA-Zwischensohle, eine Vibram® EcoStep Natural Außensohle, die 90% ölfreie Komponenten verwendet, und Cordura® RE/CORETM mit 100% rPET,...
$ 149.95
Entwickelt an der Schnittstelle von Lifestyle und Leistung, bietet dieser pendlerfreundliche Stil eine Vielzahl von Nachhaltigkeitsmerkmalen in der Außensohle, Zwischensohle und dem Obermaterial. Mit dem Stadtbewohner im Hinterkopf, verwendet der Transport eine 30% Zuckerrohr-EVA-Zwischensohle, eine Vibram® EcoStep Natural Außensohle, die 90% ölfreie Komponenten verwendet, und Cordura® RE/CORETM mit 100% rPET,...
$ 149.95
Eines der härter arbeitenden Schuhe in der HOKA-Reihe, der Bondi 9 bietet maximale Weichheit für alltägliche Kilometer. Von oben bis unten überarbeitet, haben wir die Stapelhöhe erhöht und eine neue Premium-Schaum-Mittelsohle hinzugefügt, um die weiche, widerstandsfähige Fahrt zu bieten, die mit dem Bondi synonym geworden ist. Erhöht mit einem 3D-geformten...
$ 169.95